Similar words: leftover, get over, left, be left, leftist, left hand, left wing, on the left. Meaning: adj. not used up.
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1. No food has been left over after the meal.
2. There was no money left over for luxuries or little extras.
3. We've got tons of food left over from the party.
4. I'll freeze any food that's left over.
5. 5 goes into 11 twice with 1 left over.
6. There was lots of food left over.
7. the food left over from the party?
8. There's some food left over from the party.
9. He thought the matter might be left over for the present.
10. Whatever is left over may be put into the refrigerator, where it will keep for 2-3 weeks.
11. If there's any food left over(, put it in the fridge.
12. The dictator's ten-year reign of terror left over 100,000 dead.
13. After we've paid the bills, there's never much left over.
14. Sunscreen can lose its potency if left over winter in the bathroom cabinet.
15. They ate some bread rolls left over from the night before.
16. I have some American dollars left over from the last time I was there.
17. 'Will there be any food left over?' he asked hopefully.
18. These matters will have to be left over until the next meeting.
19. There are a few cakes left over from the party.
20. I can lunch off the meat left over from yesterday.
21. It seems impossible to settle these disputes left over by history.
22. Primrose was given an apple, left over from our picnic lunch.
23. The brown mush in the fridge is some veg soup left over.
24. I don't know what to do with all the food that's left over.
25. He never bothered about his breakfast and he'll eat what is left over.
26. We spent so much money redecorating the house that we didn't have any left over for a holiday.
27. So much income is devoted to monthly mortgage payments that nothing is left over.
28. I overestimated and there was a lot of food left over after the party.
29. If you divide 9 by 4,[] you have 1 left over.
30. He was out in his calculations, so there was a lot of carpet left over.
More similar words: leftover, get over, left, be left, leftist, left hand, left wing, on the left, left-wing, stove, stage left, right and left, cleft palate, over and over, left hemisphere, over and over again, over and above, over, dover, hover, lover, overt, cover, overall, glover, oversee, ask over, overdo, govern, do over.